Working a project to migrate a system off of Oracle and onto SQL Server.The current host responded to my request for DDL with a dmp file! The dmp
file is a binary format which is used by Oracle toolset to import and export database
content and structures. The point being that without Oracle installed on a system
you cannot read this file. Minor point we are not an Oracle shop and so do not
have the in-house expertise. Say hello to Prof Google.
1.) Download Oracle Available on the Oracle site once you register.2.) Install this onto your box
3.) Most likely will install at c:\oraclexe\app\oracle
4.) Get your dmp file (YourDBA.dmp)
5.) Place it into following location: c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\admin\xe\dpdump
Note: You can place this dmp file in another folder but you will be required to configure
the database settings.(
6.) Start up a command prompt and navigate to directory: c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin
7.) Issue following command
impdp 'system/root AS SYSDBA' show=Y file=YourDBA.dmp
End result was the creation of the YourDBA.sql which gives us the file we wanted in the first place!