Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Isolated Storage Explorer for windows phone 8

How to use the Isolated Storage Explorer tool for Windows Phone 8

Isolated Storage Explorer is installed in the following location:
Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\IsolatedStorageExplorerTool

Focus on section Isolated Storage Explorer examples

ISETool.exe ts xd f8ce6878-0aeb-497f-bcf4-65be961d4bba c:\data\myfiles
Downloads the local folder content of the app from the default emulator to the C:\data\myfiles\IsolatedStore folder on the computer.
The tool creates the IsolatedStore folder under the directory that you specify.

cmd optionDescription
ts(Take snapshot) Copies the files and directories in the local folder from the device or emulator to your computer.The ts option copies the folders and files to an IsolatedStore folder that it creates on your computer under the target folder that you specify. The ts option also creates the following subdirectories in the IsolatedStore folder that it creates in the target directory.

(Restore snapshot) Replaces the files and directories in the local folder on the device or emulator with files and directories from your computer.
Caution noteCaution:
If you use the rs option to upload folders and files that you downloaded previously by using the ts option, make sure that you specify the IsolatedStorage folder created on your computer by the ts option as the source folder for the rs option.
dir[:device-path]Lists the files and directories in the specified directory of the local folder. If a directory is not specified, the files and directories in the root of the app’s local folder are listed. If no files or directories are found, an error is raised.Don’t include a leading or trailing slash in the directory entry.
EnumerateDevicesLists the valid device targets and the device index for each device.
target-device optionDescription
xdIndicates to target the emulator.
deIndicates to target a tethered device.
deviceindex:nIndicates to target the device listed at index n. To get the list of available devices, run the command ISETool EnumerateDevices.
product-idSpecifies the ProductID from the WMAppManifest.xml file for the app that you want to test.
desktop-pathSpecifies the directory on your computer where the local folder files are written to or copied from.
If the specified directory already exists, then a ts command overwrites the contents of the directory with no warning.
When you use the ts option to copy files from the emulator or device to the computer, the tool copies them to an IsolatedStore folder under the directory that you specify.

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