Had a customer contact about 3rd party solution running on our IIS server. Customer support for software was expired and they were desperate for help. I looked at the issue which was when the web page ( loaded user received an argument out of range error. The page had been working previously. The error listed the issue as no date time supported for hours, minutes, seconds constructor error.Solution:
I took a look at the code behind and found the following constructorvar endTime = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, today.Day, 8 + course.LengthInHours, 0, 0).ToLocalTime(timeZone);
The declaration looks syntactically correct. The error message made me key in on the last 3 fields, hours, minutes and seconds. I typically don't go to that level of detail when using the DateTime namespace. But this developer had done it so I took all a look at the MSDN site for the DateTime constructor (
It became pretty obvious where the issue was the hour declaration was a calculated time 8 plus some value stored in a database. I ran the test and sure enough the error condition had an hour count of 32 (24+8). This definitely was the issue as API says:
- hour
- Type: System.Int32 - The hours (0 through 23).
var tempEndTime = DateTime.Today;
//Default is 12 AM each day. Add 8 hours to get to the start of the workday 8 AM.
tempEndTime = tempEndTime.AddHours(8);
//Now add the length of the class to estimate end time of class
tempEndTime = tempEndTime.AddHours(course.LengthInHours);
var endTime = tempEndTime.ToLocalTime(timeZone);
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