Tuesday, March 29, 2016

MVC 5 bootstrap template not running under IIS express 7


I have been running MVC project using default bootstrap template.  It works fine when I deploy it to our staging server.  When I attempt to run it locally on my desktop none of the bootstrap files are working.  I get no branding.

I wracked my brain on this and thought it might be missing files.  Then hit f12 on the browser and saw several of these gems:

Failed to load resource: the server https://localhost/Scripts/Content/bootstrap.css responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)


Appears that the css and js files are being blocked in iis express.  I am running this site using SSL and ADFS trust.  This appears to be causing some issues with local file access.  I know that IIS express runs as the local user.  I still granted IUSR and IIS_USRS accounts full access to the folders where the site was running on my local box.  This appears to have resolved the issue.



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