Wednesday, April 27, 2016

System.InvalidOperationException: Migrations is enabled for context but the database does not exist or contains no mapped tables.

Entity Framework throws migration exception when trying to move code to Staging Server.

I have been trying out the EF migration and Code First approach on a new project.
I was able to get the migration and update working on my dev box.  I then went to move
the code base to our staging using xcopy.   I then hit the website and got a nasty no mapped
tables error.


For me I don't need to move the migrations to the staging or production server.  I just needed to disable the migration.  This can be done using the web.config:

This is the basic syntax for setting an initializer in your config file:
< add key=”DatabaseInitializerForType MyAssemblyQualifiedContextType”
value=”MyAssemblyQualifedInitializerType” />
< /appSettings>

The key things to notice here are:
  • The entry goes in the appSettings section of your config file
  • The key must always start with the string “DatabaseInitializerForType” followed by whitespace
  • The second part of the key is the assembly-qualified name of the context type for which the initializer should be set
  • The value is the assembly-qualified name of the initializer to set, which must expose a public, parameterless constructor so that EF can create an instance of it

<add key="DatabaseInitializerForType FCJC.Models.FCJCContext"

I placed this in my web.staging.config so that each time I build out my solution for deployment to staging, it will insert this flag and no more error!


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