This should be fun and have found these resources very helpful as I try to get up to speed.
How to use the photo chooser task for Windows Phone
How to create a base camera app for Windows Phone
How to common tasks for Windows Phone
This missive records my trials and tribulations as I code my way through projects. Fix the problem once and reuse the solution!
Keyword | Replaced By | Data Comes From |
#VALX | X value of the data point. | Data point |
#VAL, #VALY, #VALY2, #VALY3, … | Y values of the data point. | Data point |
#SERIESNAME | Series name. | Series |
#LABEL | Data point label. | Data point |
#AXISLABEL | Axis data point label. | Data point |
#INDEX | Data point index. | Data point |
#PERCENT | Percentage of the data point Y value. | Data point |
#TOTAL | Total of all Y values in the series. | Series |
#AVG | Average of all Y values in the series. | Series |
#MIN | Minimum data point of all Y values in the series. | Series |
#MAX | Maximum data point of all Y values in the series. | Series |
#FIRST | First data point of all Y values in the series. | Series |
#LAST | Last data point of all Y values in the series. | Series |
X: #VALX Y: #VALY Series: #SERIESNAME %: #PERCENTTo add the average and total to the series name in the Chart's legend, set the Series' LegendText property to:
#SERIESNAME - Total: #TOTAL - Avg: #AVGYou can format numeric and date/time values, too, by adding a Microsoft format string to the keyword. For example: "#VALY{N2}" formats the Y-value to have two numbers after the decimal place. For help formatting series properties, see this support site article. For more information on format strings, see "Numeric Format Strings" or "Date and Time Format Strings".