Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Windows Phone Emulator not running on my systems.

Started a new project today which requires upgrading a work laptop to support windows phone dev work. 

Here is what you need:

1.) 64 bit OS - Windows 8.1  (Minimum of Windows 8.1 Pro)
2.) Windows Phone SDK - https://dev.windowsphone.com/en-us/downloadsdk
Note: This will install Visual Studio Express if you do not have a copy of VS already installed.
This means you can run it without paying for VS, the express version is free.
3.) Enable HyperV support on your BIOS.  This is different for each manufacturer.
Intel has a nice tool (http://www.intel.com/support/processors/tools/piu/sb/CS-014921.htm)
which will tell you if HyperV is available for your system.  AMD's tool is a bit hard to find
this link is still good but from the 2008 timeframe.

That should do it.  The only real issue is do not forget to enable your BIOS the factory settings
most default to disabled.


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